Título: Cross-national outcomes of stress appraisal
Fuente: Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal
Resumen: The present study aims to analyze the role of the appraisal of stressors as harmful and threatening (distress) and/or as opportunities and challenges (eustress) in inducing negative (burnout) and positive (engagement) effects. It compares appraisal of occupational stressors in Poland and Spain and looks for differences between these countries in the associations between different types of appraisals and their positive and negative outcomes. The study analyzes the equivalence of relations across cultures by constraining structural equation models to be equivalent across the Spanish (n=603) and Polish (n=147) data sets of social care services employees. Multigroup analysis was used to test the invariance of the model for the two samples. The results showed that the constrained model is robust, stable and invariant across the Spanish and Polish samples, which means that the structural properties of the model do not differ between the two countries. Also, Spanish and Polish workers obtain similar average results on the levels of the appraisals of distress and eustress. Polish social workers have a significantly higher level of burnout and a significantly lower level of work engagement than Spanish employees.
Cómo citar este artículo:
Kozusznik, M., I. Rodríguez y J.M. Peiró, 2012. "Cross-national outcomes of stress appraisal", Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal, 19(4), pp. 507-525.
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