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Artículo de investigación

Journal of Money, Investment and Banking Autor: Santiago Carbó-Valverde, Edward J. Kane y Francisco Rodriguez-Fernandez

Título: Regulatory arbitrage in cross-border banking mergers within the EU

Fuente: Journal of Money, Investment and Banking

Resumen: Expanding the cross-country footprint of an organization’s profit-making activities changes the geographic pattern of its exposure to loss in ways that are hard for regulators and supervisors to observe. This paper tests and confirms the hypothesis that differences in the size and character of safetynet benefits available to banks in individual EU countries help to account for cross-bordermerger activity. Our results suggest that central bankers need to develop statistical procedures for assessing the consequences of differences in supervisory strength and weakness in partner countries. We believe that the methods used here can help in this task.

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Cómo citar este artículo:

Carbó, S., E. J. Kane y F. Rodríguez (2013): "Regulatory arbitrage in cross-border banking mergers within the EU", Journal of Money, Investment and Banking, 44(8), diciembre, pp. 1609-1629.

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