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Artículo de investigación: Appointing high-court judges by political parties

SERIEs: Journal of the Spanish Economic AssociationAutor: N. Porteiro y A. Villar

Título: Appointing high-court judges by political parties

Fuente: SERIEs: Journal of the Spanish Economic Association

Resumen: This paper proposes a mechanism to overcome the possibility that political parties may block the nomination of High-Court judges when the Parliament is involved in their nomination and their mandate expires on a fixed date. This possibility arises when the default option is that the judge whose mandate expires holds office until an agreement is reached. Our proposal consists of changing the default option by a weighted lottery, related to the shares in Parliament of the different parties. We show that this mechanism is capable of solving the problem under reasonable conditions and implementing a politically balanced solution.

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Cómo citar este artículo:

Porteiro, N. y A. Villar (2015): "Appointing high-court judges by political parties", SERIEs: Journal of the Spanish Economic Association, 6(1), marzo, pp. 91-99.

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