Artículo de investigación: The progress of Spanish banks' solvency in a European context
Autor: Santiago Carbó Valverde y Francisco Rodríguez Fernández
Título: The progress of Spanish banks' solvency in a European context
Fuente: Spanish Economic and Financial Outlook (SEFO)
Resumen: In line with the general trend in Europe over recent months, Spanish banks have rapidly increased their solvency, bringing levels in line with the European average. While a challenging economic context will remain in place for the remainder of 2016, Spanish banks´ solvency does not appear to be a cause for concern.
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Cómo citar este artículo:
Santiago Carbó y Francisco Rodríguez Fernández (2016): "The progress of Spanish banks’ solvency in a European context", SEFO - Spanish Economic and Financial Outlook, 5(4), julio, pp. 31-39.