Artículo de investigación: Higher education in management: the case of Spain
Autor: Alejandro Escribá-Esteve, María Iborra, Vicente Safón e Irene Zaera
Título: Higher education in management: the case of Spain
Fuente: The Future of Management Education
Resumen: The history of the management education system in Spain can be described by breaking it down into four periods: (1) the emergence of the management education system, (2) the creation of formal university studies and foundation of management/economics faculties (under pre-democratic laws), (3) the structuration and universalization of the management education system (under democratic laws) and (4) the current management education system (after the implementation of the European higher education reform, or Bologna declaration).
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Cómo citar este artículo:
Escribá, A., M. Iborra, V. Safón e I. Zaera (2017): "Higher Education in Management: The Case of Spain", en Dameron, S. y T. Durand (eds.): The Future of Management Education. Volume 1: Challenges facing Business Schools around the World. Londres (Reino Unido): Palgrave Macmillan, cap. 5, pp. 139-180.