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Artículo de investigación: A scale for measuring consumer perceptions of corporate social responsibility following the sustainable development paradigm

Journal of Business EthicsAutor: Alvarado, A., J.E. Bigné, J. Aldás-Manzano y R. Currás

Título: A scale for measuring consumer perceptions of corporate social responsibility following the sustainable development paradigm

Fuente: Journal of Business Ethics

Resumen: The aim of this research is to develop and validate a measurement scale for consumer’s perceptions of corporate social responsibility (CSRConsPerScale) using the three-dimensional social, environmental and economic conceptual approach as a theoretical basis. Based on the stages of measurement scale creation and validation suggested by DeVellis (Scale development: theory and applications, 1991) and supported by Churchill Jr.’s (J Mark Res 16(1):64–73, 1979) suggestions, five different empirical studies are developed expressly and applied to consumers of tourist services. This research involves 1147 real tourists from 24 countries in two different cultural and geographical contexts. A three-dimensional 18-item scale is proposed for measuring consumer perceptions of corporate social, environmental and economic responsibilities. This paper presents the complete development of the scale, as well as the implications and limitations of the main findings and the managerial implications.

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Cómo citar este artículo:

Alvarado, A., J.E. Bigné, J. Aldás-Manzano y R. Currás (2017): "A scale for measuring consumer perceptions of corporate social responsibility following the sustainable development paradigm", Journal of Business Ethics, 140(2), enero, pp. 243-262.

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