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Artículo de investigación
Economic and Industrial Democracy Autores: Beatriz Sora, José María Peiró, Inmaculada Silla y Francisco J. Gracia

Título: Moderating influence of organizational justice on the relationship between job insecurity and its outcomes: A multilevel analysis

Fuente: Economic and Industrial Democracy

Resumen: A great amount of research has illustrated the evident prevalence of job insecurity in working life and its harmful outcomes for employees and organizations. Some authors have identified factors that can reduce this negative influence. However, up until now, most of these factors have only been studied at an individual level, without taking into account the fact that contextual conditions can play a moderating role in organizations. Following this perspective, this article analyses the moderator role of organizational justice and organizational justice climate in the relationship between job insecurity and its outcomes. The study was carried out with a sample of 942 employees from 47 Spanish organizations and a subsample composed of 597 employees from 29 of these organizations. The results showed that both organizational justice and organizational justice climate moderated the relationship between job insecurity and job satisfaction and intention to leave the organization.

Cómo citar este artículo:
Sora, B., A. Caballer, J.M. Peiró, I. Silla y F.J. Gracia, 2010. "Moderating influence of organizational justice on the relationship between job insecurity and its outcomes: A multilevel analysis", Economic and Industrial Democracy, 31(4), pp. 613-637.

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