The BBVA Foundation and the Ivie present the study "Road accidents in Spain and the European Union (1997-2007)"
In a decade, road traffic accidents caused the loss of more than 15.5 million years of life in the EU-15 countries, equivalent to the loss of more than 190,000 lives of European citizens, of which over three-quarters were men. This figure is also equivalent to the loss of a year of life of every current citizen of Ireland and Greece.
These are some of the results from the study Siniestralidad vial en España y la Unión Europea 1997-2007, carried out by the BBVA Foundation and the Ivie, which examines the evolution, determinants and consequences of traffic accidents in Spain from a regional and European perspective.
The work was directed by the Professor at the University of Alicante and Ivie researcher, Carmen Herrero. In addition to the Director of the study, the research team was made up of the Professors at the University of Murcia and members of the Working Group on Health Economics (Grupo de Trabajo en Economía de la Salud, GTES): José María Abellán, Jorge Eduardo Martínez, Ildefonso Méndez and Fernando Ignacio Sanchez, as well as, Patricia Cubí, Professor at the City University London.
This publication Siniestralidad vial en España y la Unión Europea 1997-2007 uses the same novel approach presented in a previous study, Evaluación de riesgos y del impacto de los accidents de tráfico sobre la salud de la población española (1996-2004), published by the BBVA Foundation in 2008. On this occasion, it includes the European dimension to quantify the loss of health due to traffic accidents in terms of quantity and quality of life lost.
The study was presented on April 19.
Press release
Book preview
Other related papers Documento nº1/2011: Quality of Life Lost Due to Non-Fatal Road Crashes
In a decade, road traffic accidents caused the loss of more than 15.5 million years of life in the EU-15 countries, equivalent to the loss of more than 190,000 lives of European citizens, of which over three-quarters were men. This figure is also equivalent to the loss of a year of life of every current citizen of Ireland and Greece.
These are some of the results from the study Siniestralidad vial en España y la Unión Europea 1997-2007, carried out by the BBVA Foundation and the Ivie, which examines the evolution, determinants and consequences of traffic accidents in Spain from a regional and European perspective.
The work was directed by the Professor at the University of Alicante and Ivie researcher, Carmen Herrero. In addition to the Director of the study, the research team was made up of the Professors at the University of Murcia and members of the Working Group on Health Economics (Grupo de Trabajo en Economía de la Salud, GTES): José María Abellán, Jorge Eduardo Martínez, Ildefonso Méndez and Fernando Ignacio Sanchez, as well as, Patricia Cubí, Professor at the City University London.
This publication Siniestralidad vial en España y la Unión Europea 1997-2007 uses the same novel approach presented in a previous study, Evaluación de riesgos y del impacto de los accidents de tráfico sobre la salud de la población española (1996-2004), published by the BBVA Foundation in 2008. On this occasion, it includes the European dimension to quantify the loss of health due to traffic accidents in terms of quantity and quality of life lost.
The study was presented on April 19.
Press release
Book preview

Other related papers Documento nº1/2011: Quality of Life Lost Due to Non-Fatal Road Crashes