Research article
Authors: Ramón Barberán and Ezequiel Uriel
Title: Las balanzas fiscales y la financiación autonómica
Source: Revista del Instituto de Estudios Económicos
Abstract: After reflecting on the relationship between fiscal balances and regional funding and defending that the debate on both issues should be kept separate, this article focuses on the analysis of the most recent data for fiscal balances: 1991-2005 period for the whole of Spain and, data for Catalonia up to 2009.
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Recommended citation:
Barberán, R. and E. Uriel (2013): "Las balanzas fiscales y la financiación autonómica", Revista del Instituto de Estudios Económicos, 1 and 2/2013, (Special thematic issue "Propuestas para la reforma de la financiación autonómica"), pp. 227-254.