A study published by the Bancaja Foundation and the Ivie analyzes the evolution of human development and poverty since the beginning of the crisis
Data indicates that human development in Spain is 4.4% less than it would be if there were no recession
In the early years of the crisis, the differences in the level of poverty and inequality between regions have increased, while, at the same time, human development has diminished. Although material well-being has been severely affected with a 13.7% drop for the whole of Spain, the impact of the crisis on the indices of education and health has lessened and they have not been affected during the analyzed period.
These results are found in the reports on human development and poverty in Spain and its regions (Desarrollo humano y pobreza en España y sus comunidades autónomas), developed by the Bancaja Foundation and the Ivie. The research team is made up of the Ivie researchers and university professors, Carmen Herrero (University of Alicante) and Antonio Villar (Pablo de Olavide University), and Ivie research technician Ángel Soler.
According to the Bancaja Foundation-Ivie project, the material well-being index for Spain and its regions has been affected during the first years of the crisis, with a 13.7% drop for the whole of Spain. However, at the moment, the other two indices, education and health, used to calculate human development have not been altered since these variables have an enormous inertia and it takes a longer period of recession for them to be affected.
Further information:
- Press release (in Spanish)
- Presentation
- Study Desarrollo humano en España. 1980-2011
- Study La pobreza en España y sus comunidades autónomas. 2006-2011
- Data Human Development Index (1980-2010)
- Data new Human Development Index (1980-2010)