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BBVA Foundation-Ivie Seminar 2013

Population and territory: How many people and where do they live

Fundación Universidad-Empresa, Adeit
Plaza Virgen de la Paz, 3
46001 Valencia
Valencia, 7 June 2013

Fundación BBVA


In collaboration with:

Universitat de València


The results of the latest Population and Housing Censuses from the Spanish National Statistical Institute (INE), with reference date 1 November 2011, will be disseminated during 2013. This represents the possibility of obtaining a reliable, accurate and detailed picture of our demographic and socio-economic reality at a very small geographical scale, below the municipal level in many cases.

The 2011 Population and Housing Census introduces important developments with respect to previous editions. For the first time in the history of Spain’s census records, the information has not been obtained by an “exhaustive count” of the population. Instead, the census methodology has been based on the maximum use of the available administrative registers, along with a survey conducted to a very high percentage of the population. It is also a census transition methodology, intended to move towards a register-based statistical system, such as those developed by statistical agencies in the Nordic countries.

However, the change of census methodology is not the only important change introduced in the 2011 Population and Housing Census. New technologies and the increasing generalization of geo-referenced information systems have played a relevant role in the last census. In this sense, an important innovation consists in an exhaustive field operation that allows to geo-reference buildings, and therefore, also dwellings. This allows the publication of the results of the Census in a more useful manner and opens a capacity for analysis of that information that greatly surpasses that which may be based on administrative divisions of the territory.

The seminar aims to disseminate and analyze these challenges found in the statistical measurement of population, among the interested public as well as specialists in the field.


9:15–9:30 Apertura y presentación

Francisco J. Goerlich, Universitat de València e Ivie

9:30–11:00: La medición estadística de la población

”El censo de población y viviendas 2011: ¿Es un censo o es una encuesta?”
Antonio Argüeso, INE

“Integración longitudinal de las estadísticas de población y territorio. Una experiencia en Andalucía”
Francisco Viciana, Departamento de Registro de Población, Servicio de Estadísticas Demográficas y Sociales del Instituto de Estadística y Cartografía de Andalucía

11:00–11:30: Pausa – café

11:30–14:00: Georeferenciación de la población

“La difusión de los datos del censo 2011: ¿Para qué sirve asignar coordenadas geográficas a los edificios?”
Antonio Argüeso, INE

“La Infraestructura de Datos Espaciales Histórica de la Ciudad de Madrid (HISDI-MAD) y el de la Base de Datos Demográfica Longitudinal Histórica de la Ciudad de Madrid (LHISTDATA-MAD)”
Diego Ramiro, Instituto de Economía, Geografía y Demografía, CSIC

“Aplicaciones socio-demográficas de las bases de datos de ocupación del suelo”
Francisco Goerlich, Universitat de València e Ivie
Isidro Cantarino, Universitat Politècnica de València

“Utilidad y utilización de las grid de población en el ámbito europeo”
Roger Milego, European Topic Centre - Spatial Information and Analysis (ETC-SIA), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona


Francisco J. Goerlich, Universitat de València e Ivie


Antonio Argüeso, INE
Isidro Cantarino, Universitat Politècnica de València
Francisco J. Goerlich, Universitat de València e Ivie
Roger Milego, European Topic Centre - Spatial Information and Analysis (ETC-SIA), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Diego Ramiro, Instituto de Economía, Geografía y Demografía, CSIC
Francisco Viciana, Departamento de Registro de Población, Servicio de Estadísticas Demográficas y Sociales del Instituto de Estadística y Cartografía de Andalucía


Fundación Universidad-Empresa, Adeit
Plaza Virgen de la Paz, 3
46001 Valencia