The SPINTAN project is launched to analyze the role of public intangible policies and their impact on well-being and “smart” growth
The project, coordinated by the Ivie, will pay special attention to the likely consequences of the austerity measures in view of the expected recovery
The SPINTAN project has been launched on December 2013, promoted and funded by the European Union within the Seventh Framework Programme. The main objective of the project is to analyze the impact of public sector intangibles on innovation, well-being and “smart” growth (including the role of education, R&D and innovation, and the construction of a digital society). Special attention will be paid to the medium/long term consequences of austerity policies on public sector intangibles in view of the expected recovery. Also, a public intangible database will be built for a wide set of EU countries, complemented with some large non-EU countries.
The project, coordinated by the Ivie, is carried out by academic researchers from a range of 12 European institutes and universities: NIESR (UK) , LUISS (Italy), ISTAT (Italy), Imperial College (UK), The Conference Board, OECD, ZEW (Germany), DIW (Germany), wiiw (Austria), FORES (Sweden) and KOPINT (Hungary).
In order to achieve its goals the SPINTAN project is structured in several work packages devoted to the methodological discussion on the concept of intangibles in the public sector; to building a public intangible database for a broad set of countries; to the implications for smart growth and social inclusion of three key aspects of public sector policies: health, education and R&D with special reference to higher education institutions; to the effect of spillovers of public sector intangibles on the business sector; and to the present and future consequences of the austerity measures taken since 2008.
All the information and project outputs will be available on the website project.
The SPINTAN Kick-off Meeting will take place on 16-17 January in Valencia.