The study includes 11 examples of ‘good business practices’ in the region of Valencia.
What is the degree of competitiveness of Valencian firms? What factors explain this situation? What are possible pathways to improve? What are the keys to business success? These are the main issues addressed in the document ‘Caminos para mejorar la competitividad de las empresas valencianas’. This work, carried out by the Ivie for Asociación Valenciana de Empresarios (AVE) has been directed by Francisco Pérez and Alejandro Escribá-Esteve with the collaboration of the following research team: María Iborra, Vicente Safón, Pilar Chorén, Jimena Salamanca and Carlos Albert.
The study compares the level of competitiveness of the Valencian region with Spain and, especially with more competitive regions (Madrid, Catalonia and Basque Country). The results reveal a clear weakness of the region of Valencia in comparison to these regions in the aspects analyzed: sectoral specialization and business size, dynamism, productivity, resources and capacities.
Also, the report carries out a quantitative analysis to search for the cause of this weakness. Additionally, it studies the case of eleven excellent firms in order to identify patterns of competitive practices and to propose ways of improving competitiveness.
What is the degree of competitiveness of Valencian firms? What factors explain this situation? What are possible pathways to improve? What are the keys to business success? These are the main issues addressed in the document ‘Caminos para mejorar la competitividad de las empresas valencianas’. This work, carried out by the Ivie for Asociación Valenciana de Empresarios (AVE) has been directed by Francisco Pérez and Alejandro Escribá-Esteve with the collaboration of the following research team: María Iborra, Vicente Safón, Pilar Chorén, Jimena Salamanca and Carlos Albert.
The study compares the level of competitiveness of the Valencian region with Spain and, especially with more competitive regions (Madrid, Catalonia and Basque Country). The results reveal a clear weakness of the region of Valencia in comparison to these regions in the aspects analyzed: sectoral specialization and business size, dynamism, productivity, resources and capacities.
Also, the report carries out a quantitative analysis to search for the cause of this weakness. Additionally, it studies the case of eleven excellent firms in order to identify patterns of competitive practices and to propose ways of improving competitiveness.