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Ivie Seminar 2015

6th Conference on the Spanish banking sector:
Spanish banks facing the banking union

Bolsa de Valencia
Salón de Actos
C/ Libreros 2 y 4
46002 Valencia
Valencia, 5 February 2015


Conselleria d'Educació

In collaboration with:

Universitat de València


In only two and a half years, the Spanish banking sector has gone from being rescued by European funds to successfully passing the ECB stress tests. The deep restructuring carried out, the adjustment of the excess capacity in terms of the number of offices and employment, the intense clean-up achieved and the strengthening of the banks’ own resources are the factors that explain the radical change in the Spanish banks’ situation.

However, there are elements of risk that Spanish deposit institutions must face in the near future, derived from the uncertain macroeconomic context (deflation risk in the Eurozone, geopolitical risks, etc. ), very low interest rates, a private sector that has to continue its deleveraging process during the next years, the high volume of non-performing assets and the need of capitalization in view of the new regulations. In addition, the progress towards the banking union (after the launch of the Single Supervisory and the Single Resolution Mechanisms, and the new bail-in rules for 2016) will lead to greater international competition that will affect the banking business.

In this context, following the strategy of previous editions, the aim of this 6th Conference is to analyze the recent evolution of the restructuring process of the Spanish banking sector, reflect on the effectiveness of the measures taken, and exchange different points of view on the EU banking union’s future scenario. In addition, the consequences of the new regulation on the different banking business models will be discussed. A special interest will be also put on the analysis of the evolution of bank loans and their recovery.

With this aim, the Conference is organized into three sessions. The first session will analyze the current situation of the Spanish banking sector after the restructuring process and the challenges it must face in the coming years. The second session will consider the importance that the different pillars of the banking union will have on the future of the Spanish banking sector and its business models. The third session will focus solely on the savings banks sector after the deep restructuring carried out. Finally, the Conference will close with a speech by the President of the Spanish Bankers’ Association.

Leading experts on the banking sector, coming from the academic world and banks’ research departments, as well as banking employers will participate in the Conference.

The Conference is aimed at the public at large and professionals and scholars interested in the analysis of the banking sector.


9:15–9:30 Apertura y presentación

9:30-11:00 Sesión I. El sector bancario español tras el rescate y el estrés test

Joaquín Maudos, Universitat de València, Ivie y CUNEF
Emilio Ontiveros, AFI y Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

11:00–11:30 Pausa – café

11:30-12:15 Sesión II. La unión bancaria europea: efectos sobre la banca española

Jorge Sicilia, BBVA Research

12:15-13:00 Sesión III. Las cajas de ahorros tras la reestructuración del sector

Antonio Romero, CECA

13:00-13:45 Conferencia de clausura. El futuro de la banca española

José María Roldán, AEB


Joaquín Maudos, Catedrático de Análisis Económico de la Universitat de València, Director Adjunto de Investigación del Ivie y colaborador del CUNEF


Joaquín Maudos, Catedrático de Análisis Económico de la Universitat de València, Director Adjunto de Investigación del Ivie y colaborador del CUNEF
Emilio Ontiveros, Catedrático de Economía de la Empresa en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid y Presidente de AFI
José María Roldán, Presidente de la AEB
Antonio Romero, Director Adjunto de la CECA
Jorge Sicilia, Economista Jefe del Grupo BBVA y Director de BBVA Research


Bolsa de Valencia
Salón de Actos
C/ Libreros 2 y 4
46002 Valencia