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Over 60 world-wide experts met in Valencia to discuss the future of world trade

The Ivie and CEPR jointly organized the European Research Workshop in International Trade 2017

The city of Valencia hosted this year the workshop on international trade, which is organized annually by the Center for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), based in London. This year the workshop was organized with the collaboration of the Ivie. During three days, from May 31 to June 2, more than 60 economists from some of the most renowned world-wide universities and research centers gathered at the European Research Workshop in International Trade 2017 (ERWIT) to analyze the trends in international trade that will determine the future of the world economy.

The experts presented their research on the effects of international trade on well-being, productivity and technological innovation, within the context of the new policies on trade protectionism that are being imposed by some countries and could negatively affect the world economy. Among the issues analyzed during the workshop were Brexit and its historical background, bureaucratic barriers to free trade, the economic effects of immigration on the structural change in Europe, the impact of globalization on family firms and the relationship between financial markets and trade. Some of the conclusions reached at the workshop were the strong positive consumer benefits of China’s rise in the global economy, despite its impact on certain groups in terms of employment and wages, and the pressure that increased globalization has exerted on many family-owned firms which, in turn, have responded favorably by improving their management and productivity.

Some well-known economists that participated in ERWIT 2017 are Peter Schott (Yale University), David Weinstein (Columbia University), Mary Amity (Federal Reserve Bank of New York), Kevin H. O’Rourke (Oxford U.), Thierry Mayer (Sciences Po, Paris U.), Jonathan Eaton (Pennsylvania State U.), David Dorn (Zurich U.), Cheng Chen (Hong Kong U.) and Maartin Bosker (Tinbergen Institute).

The CEPR was founded in 1983 to foster high quality, policy-relevant economic research and to disseminate the results among decision makers within Europe and beyond. On this occasion, CEPR worked in collaboration with the Ivie to organize ERWIT, one of the world’s foremost important scientific meetings, which is held annually to discuss trends and results of international trade.

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Monday, 6 June 2017