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The research work carried out by the Ivie generated more than 2,300 news items during 2016, the year in which it celebrated its 25th anniversary

The Ivie Annual Report, which describes in detail all of the Institutes activities during 2016, is now available for download

Sharing the research results carried out by the Ivie is one of the Institute’s main objectives, providing in this way useful tools and knowledge for decision-making economic and social actors. During 2016, the research activities developed by the Ivie and their results were disseminated by the media with more than 2,300 news items.

In total, Ivie researchers and technicians participated in 166 publications, including scientific articles, monographs, reports, books and book chapters. Ivie’s 2016 Annual Report, now available for download, provides detailed information on all the activities, projects and publications developed during the year.

In 2016, 9 studies were presented to the media on important social and economic issues such as education, regional funding, knowledge economy and income distribution inequality in Spain. Among the reports with more media coverage were Distribución de la renta, crisis económica y políticas redistributivas (Income distribution, economic crisis and redistributive policies), developed by Francisco Goerlich, and the study and database Cuentas de la Educación en España (Education accounts in Spain), directed by Francisco Pérez and Ezequiel Uriel.

In addition to the media presentations, the Ivie and its collaborators participated in national and international scientific meetings, organizing seminars, conferences, workshops and courses to promote the dissemination and use of its research. Among the noteworthy events organized in 2016 were: 7th Conference on the Spanish Banking Sector and the Workshop Proposals for a new financing system of Spain’s regions. However, the most important event for the Ivie in 2016 was the celebration of its 25th Anniversary with a special act titled 25 years promoting economic research. As part of the celebration, the 4th World KLEMS Conference was held, which, in 2016, was organized by the Ivie. On this occasion, more than 80 researchers from 5 continents gathered to analyze the patterns of economic growth in different world regions and to give solutions on how to improve productivity.

The presentation of the updated U-Ranking project, the celebration of the 3rd edition of the Cañada Blanch Forum and the presentation in Brussels of the EU-funded SPINTAN project results were other important activities that took place during 2016.

2016 also served to consolidate a new series of periodicals that saw the light in 2015, Esenciales (Essentials), brief and concise documents with direct messages on issues of public interest. During 2016, 11 issues were published in collaboration with the BBVA Foundation.

Other figures from the 2016 Annual Report:

  1. 37 research contracts with various institutions
  2. 25 databases (two more than the previous year)
  3. 166 publications (research articles, books, monographs and working papers)
  4. 9 international network partnerships
  5. 113 collaborating researchers
  6. 2,308 news items
  7. Collaboration with 35 public and private institutions
  8. 25 activities, including project presentations, conferences and seminars

More information

Ivie Annual Report 2016

Monday, 22 May 2017