Research article: Perceived value of advanced mobile messaging services. A cross cultural comparison of Greek and Spanish users
Author: Hernández, B., J. Aldás-Manzano, C. Ruiz and S. Sanz
Title: Perceived value of advanced mobile messaging services. A cross cultural comparison of Greek and Spanish users
Source: Information Technology and People
Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to analyse the role of perceived value on post-acceptance behaviour for users of advanced mobile messaging services (AMMS). The paper also compares differences in the influence of perceived value on satisfaction and of satisfaction on loyalty to AMMS in Spain and Greece, to test the moderating effect of culture.
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Hernández, B., J. Aldás-Manzano, C. Ruiz and S. Sanz: (2017): "Perceived value of advanced mobile messaging services. A cross cultural comparison of Greek and Spanish users", Social Psychology, 48 (2), marzo, pp. 104-112