Research article: Performance, Inclusion and Excellence: An Index of Educational Achievements for PISA
Title: Performance, Inclusion and Excellence: An Index of Educational Achievements for PISA
Source: Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal
Abstract: This paper proposes an elementary multidimensional index that summarizes three relevant aspects of the educational achievements, out of the data provided by the PISA Reports. The three aspects considered are: performance, inclusiveness, and excellence, and will be approximated by the average scores and the distribution of outcomes in the different levels of proficiency. The Index of Educational Achievements (IEA) is the geometric mean of the normalised values of those three variables. We analyse the distribution of the variables that approach those three aspects and the resulting index, relative to the corresponding average test scores of the OECD countries. This index provides a much wider discrimination power than the mere comparison of the average scores, as the distribution of the three variables is very different.
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Recommended citation:
Villar, A. (2017):"Performance, Inclusion and Excellence: An Index of Educational Achievements for PISA", Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 4(3), febrero, pp. 100-115.