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Human Capital Notes

Do young people's jobs meet their expectations?


Young people who are self-employed and civil servants are found to be the most satisfied with the overall benefits they receive from their work. This data is provided in note no.112 in the Human Capital series, which examines whether young people's expectations of work are fulfilled. According to the the Bancaja-Ivie Observatory of Young People's transition to the Labour Market, almost six in every ten young people are satisfied with the overall benefits they receive from work, including financial remuneration, the working environment and learning opportunities offered by the post, among other factors. Similarly, the percentage of graduates who report receiving monetary contributions inferior to the amount of effort required by their job is lower than in other levels of study. By sector, young people working in finance, education and health were those found to be most satisfied that their expectations were met. The study also shows that the fulfillment of expectations increased if, in addition to monetary contributions, other aspects of work were taken into account, such as having a good working environment and learning opportunities.


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