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Seminar BBVA Foundation-Ivie 2012

Universities, graduates and productivity

Universitat de València
Facultat d'Economia
Sala Sánchez Ayuso (primera planta)
Av. de los Naranjos s/n
46022 Valencia
Valencia, 14 December 2012

Fundación BBVA

In collaboration with:

Facultat d'Economia


The University is an institution dating back centuries and also one that is required to play a key role in the development of the knowledge-based society and economy. Its contributions are crucial for producing human capital, generating new results in research and technological development, and transforming the productive fabric of its environment. Universities in Spain have grown significantly in resources and results but, like its economy, problems with productivity and international competitiveness raise doubts about the functioning of these institutions and their ability to assume more responsibility in the social and economic changes that need to be addressed.

The research “Universidad, universitarios y productividad”, carried out within the BBVA Foundation-Ivie Research Programme and recently published by the BBVA Foundation, highlights the importance of distinguishing between two types of contributions made by universities: on the one hand, direct results of university activity, i.e. teaching and research services produced by universities; and, on the other hand, indirect results, which are primarily derived from the labour participation of graduates and are reflected in their rates of activity, employment and wages, as well as in higher productivity in the economy.

The ongoing debate in Spain on the performance of universities has intensified with the financial constraints of recent years. Assessing their effectiveness and efficiency objectively is not easy, given that assessment has been hampered for years by the limited availability of data on the many aspects to consider when analyzing university results. However, due to several recent initiatives, the available data has improved and, based on this new information, more rigorous analysis has been carried out on the Spanish university system. The results are not always compatible with some widely disseminated topics. Therefore, it is important that these materials are taken into account in diagnoses and in both government and university policies.

The aim of this workshop is to discuss the state of Spanish universities on the basis of recent data and reliable analysis. Three groups of questions shall be addressed:

  • How does the current Spanish university system compare with other countries? Are there major differences between universities?
  • What are the results for teaching and research in Spanish universities? Is teaching performance and research productivity satisfactory?
  • What characteristics are found in the labour transition of graduates? Are studies productive for graduates? Are graduates productive for the country?

These questions shall be answered by experts on the different topics to be analyzed at this workshop, well-known for their publications. The workshop is aimed at the teaching and research community, members of university governing bodies, those responsible for university and employment policies, specialists on the economics of education and all those interested in delving deeper into the role that universities play in today’s society.


9,30-9,45 Inauguración

Vicent Soler, Decano de la Facultad d’Economia de la Universitat de València

9,45-10,30 Primera sesión: Panorama general

Modera: Vicent Soler, Universitat de València

"Universidades y universitarios: España en el contexto internacional"
Francisco Pérez, Universitat de València e Ivie

10,30-11,00 Pausa. Café

11,00-12,30 Segunda sesión: Recursos y resultados universitarios

Modera: Miguel Ángel Fernández, Universitat Politècnica de València

"Trayectoria de recursos de las universidades y resultados docentes"
Juan Hernández Armenteros, Universidad de Jaén

"El avance de los resultados de investigación en la universidad española"
Elías Sanz, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

12,30-14,00 Tercera sesión: Universitarios y mercado de trabajo

Modera: Ismael Sanz, Instituto Nacional de Evaluación Educativa

"Empleo, salarios y productividad de los universitarios"
Lorenzo Serrano, Universitat de València e Ivie

"La inserción laboral de los universitarios: tópicos, mitos y realidades"
Josep Antón Ferré, AQU y Universitat Rovira i Virgili

14,00-14,15 Clausura

Esteban Morcillo, Rector Magnífico de la Universitat de València


Francisco Pérez, Universitat de València e Ivie


Miguel Ángel Fernández, Universitat Politècnica de València
Josep Antón Ferré, AQU y Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Juan Hernández Armenteros, Universidad de Jaén
Francisco Pérez, Universitat de València e Ivie
Elías Sanz, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Ismael Sanz, Instituto Nacional de Evaluación Educativa
Lorenzo Serrano, Universitat de València e Ivie
Vicent Soler, Universitat de València


Universitat de València
Facultat d'Economia
Sala Sánchez Ayuso (primera planta)
Av. de los Naranjos s/n
46022 Valencia