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Ivie Activities 2012

BBVA Foundation-Ivie Seminar: Universities, graduates and productivity, Valencia

14 December

Paper by Francisco Pérez and Lorenzo Serrano at the Workshop "El impacto social de las universidades en tiempos de crisis". Universidad, universitarios y productividad en España. Barcelona

12 December

Human Capital Note No. 140: Desajustes laborales y consecuencias

12 December

Papers by Matilde Mas at the 7th @LIS LAKLEMS Conference: Evaluación del aporte de las TIC y la heterogeneidad sectorial al crecimiento en América Latina. Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe, Santiago de Chile

11 December

The BBVA Foundation and the Ivie present a report on Spanish Growth and Competitiveness. BBVA Foundation, Madrid

10 December

Paper by Antonio Villar at the Máster en Desarrollo, Instituciones e Integración Económica: Welfare-poverty measurement. Universitat de València. Valencia

3 December

BBVA Foundation working paper: An Equity-based Proposal for the Evaluation on Health States

3 December

BBVA Foundation working paper: Productivity and Deregulation in European Railways

30 November

Paper by Jesús Peiró and Emili Tortosa-Ausina at the IX Conferences on Economics Integration 2012: Can trust effects on development be generalised? A response by quantile regression. Universitat de València

29 November

Paper by Joaquín Maudos at the Universitat d'Hivern d'Ontinyent: La crisis económica y el rescate financiero: ¿quo vadis España?. "La banca española después del rescate europeo". Ontinyent, Valencia

29 November

Article by Mari Kangasniemi, Matilde Mas, Catherine Robinson and Lorenzo Serrano: The economic impact of migration: productivity analysis for Spain and the UK, Journal of Productivity Analysis

27 November

BBVA Foundation-Ivie Seminar: Knowledge Based Capital and Economic Performance, Valencia

23 November

Paper by Francisco Pérez at the V Congreso Nacional de Auditoría en el sector público: Auditoría, cuentas públicas y crisis económica. Madrid

23 November

Paper by Emili Tortosa at the 12th International EMG Workshop, supported by the Australian School of Business, Australian Bureau of Statistics, the Productivity Commission and the Australian Research Council. Cost and Profit Efficiency in Banking, and the Access of Firms to Credit. Sydney

22 November

Communication by Francisco Pérez at the Jornada Oportunidades y desafíos de la universidad española del siglo XXI. Universidad, universitarios y productividad en España. Universidad de Extremadura

16 November

Paper by Joaquín Maudos at the Día de la persona emprendedora Comunitat Valenciana. La reestructuración del sector bancario español: retos pendientes. Valencia

15 November

Report publication: Impacto económico del 31.º Maratón Divina Pastora Valencia 2011

13 November

Article by Claudio Thieme, Diego Prior Jiménez and Emili Tortosa-Ausina: A multilevel decomposition of school performance using robust nonparametric frontier techniques, Economics of Education Review

12 November

Suggested: Paper by Jonah Rockoff, Columbia University. The long-term impacts of teachers. Teacher value-added and student outcomes in adulthood. Live Streaming Video

6 November

Paper by Matilde Mas at the OECD Workshop on Productivity. Measuring Productivity in the Public Sector: A personal view. OECD Conference Centre, Paris

5-6 November

Latest Ivie working paper - AD series: Fair bound based solidarity

2 November

Latest Ivie working papers - EC series: Un análisis de la oferta de acciones en las OPAs españolas among others

2 November

Paper by Carmen Herrero at the 2012 Annual Meeting of the Association of Southern European Economic Theorists (ASSET). Equality of Opportunity: A Statistical Approach. Limassol (Chipre)

1 November

Participation by Pilar Chorén at the Workshop Identification of change trends in consumer goods industries, as part of the PROsumer.NET project. Instituto de Biomecánica de Valencia (IBV). Valencia

31 October

Participation by Joaquín Maudos at the discussion La importancia del ahorro en tiempos de crisis. Universitat de València. Valencia

31 October

Human Capital Note No. 139: Jóvenes y estudios: Relación con su situación laboral

31 October

Opening speech by Francisco Pérez at the Opening of the 2012-2013 academic year at EDEM. La superación de la crisis y la transformación del tejido productivo. Valencia

30 October

Paper by Javier Quesada at the 11ª edición del Curso de especialización en turismo cultural. Mecenazgo, fundaciones y gestión cultural. Fundación Cañada Blanch, Valencia

26 October

Paper by Francisco J. Goerlich at the EFGS 2012 Prague Conference. Urban Morphological Zones for Spain:Urban indicators from an Object Oriented Land Cover data base and a population grid, Praga

26 October

Communication by Francisco Pérez at the UIMP-Cátedra Ernest Lluch "La crisis económica. Historia, economía e instituciones". La crisis económica, su génesis internacional y desarrollo en Europa. Universidad de Zaragoza. Zaragoza

26 October

Article by Malgorzata Kozusznik, Isabel Rodríguez and José M. Peiró: Cross-national outcomes of stress appraisal, Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal

24 October

BBVA Foundation-Ivie Seminar: Financial integration and financial crisis: some recent developments, Valencia

19 October

Opening conference by Carmen Herrero at the Master in Development, Institutions and Economic Integration. Nueve cámaras: Medidas Multidimensionales de Desarrollo Humano. University of Valencia, Valencia

18 October

Communication by José Manuel Pastor at the Congreso Nacional para el impulso de empleabilidad de los jóvenes universitarios. El empleo de los jóvenes universitarios: situación y perspectivas. Córdoba

17 October

Communication by Vicent Cucarella and Francisco Pérez at the III Conferencia sobre Federalismo y Descentralizacion en España. Evolución del déficit y el endeudamiento de las CC.AA.: diferencias y determinantes. Santiago de Compostela

17 October

ABACO Observatory: Knowledge-based activities withstand the crisis better

15 October

VLC/Campus conference: The Progress of Knowledge Economy in Spain. Presentation of the ABACO project

15 October

The Ivie has participated in the PREDICT 2012 REPORT: An Analysis of ICT R&D - EU & beyond

11 October

Communication by Joaquín Maudos at the Jornada de debate sobre desapalancamiento y crecimiento en España. Unión Bancaria, ¿sí o no? Condicionantes. Madrid

10 October

Seminar by María Teresa Balaguer-Coll, Diego Prior and Emili Tortosa-Ausina. On the determinants of local government debt: Does one size fit all?. Universidad de Granada. Granada

9 October

Human Capital Note No. 138: Cambios en las trayectorias vitales de los jóvenes

5 October

Communication by Ángel Soler at the III Jornada sobre la dimensión social de la Educación Universitaria en España: La movilidad estudiantil española. El papel de la educación universitaria en la reducción de las desigualdades. Valencia

4 October

Study publication: La contribución socioeconómica del Sistema Universitario Español

4 October

Conference by Fernando Vega-Redondo at the International Symposium: Economics in a complex world: networks, agents and people. Social networks as a source of value in economic systems: theory and examples. Madrid

28 September

INDICSER End-of-project Conference. Communications by Francisco J. Goerlich, José Manuel Pastor and Lorenzo Serrano. Health Capital and Value for money, The output measurement of the research of the Higher Education Institutions and Output growth in the secondary and higher education sectors: the European experience. Budapest

27-28 September

Participation by Javier Quesada at the seminar Estancias de profesores universitarios en empresas valencianas. Valencia

26 September

BBVA Foundation working paper: Social capital, investment and economic growth: Evidence for Spanish provinces

21 September

BBVA Foundation working paper: Esperanza de vida y causas de muerte: Un análisis de descomposición, 1975-2009

19 September

Article by Mario Martínez-Córcoles, Francisco J. Gracia, Inés Tomás, José M. Peiró and Markus Schöbel: Empowering team leadership and safety performance in nuclear power plants: A multilevel approach, Safety Science

18 September

BBVA Foundation working paper: Impact of the Subprime Crisis on Bank Ratings: The Effect of the Hardening of Rating Policies and Worsening of Solvency

17 September

Conferences by José María Peiró at the International Seminar "Nuevos paradigmas para la gestión de personal y el cambio organizacional", Cambio Organizacional y Contrato Psicológico and Satisfacción y bienestar sostenible en el trabajo: contribuciones de la psicología para su promoción, Universidad de Lima

11-12 September

Article by Mariel Fornoni, Iván Arribas and José E. Vila: An entrepreneur's social capital and performance: The role of access to information in the Argentinean case, Journal of Organizational Change Management

11 September

Paper by Juan Fernández De Guevara and Matilde Mas at the 1.º Congreso Iberoamericano sobre Desarrollo Regional: Posicionamiento Mundial y Estrategias and 17.º Encuentro Nacional sobre Desarrollo Regional en México, AMECIDER 2012. Evaluating regional policies to improve TFP in a context of low productivity growth: The case of Spain. Mexico City, Mexico

3-6 September

Article by Maria Luisa Alamá and Emili Tortosa-Ausina: Bank branch geographic location patterns in Spain: Some implications for financial exclusion, Growth and Change

4 September

Paper by Carmen Herrero at the 11th Meeting of Society for Social Choice and Welfare. Equality of Opportunity: A Statistical Approach. New Delhi

20 August

Paper by Francisco Pérez and Eva Benages: Knowledge Accounting: An Economic Approach presented at the Second World KLEMS Conference at Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts

9-10 August

Participation by Matilde Mas and Javier Quesada at the Second World KLEMS Conference at Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts

9-10 August

Study publication: El stock de capital en viviendas (1990-2010) y en otras construcciones (1990-2009) en España, y su distribución territorial

2 August

Latest Ivie working paper - AD series: On the comparison of group performance with categorical data

2 August

Conference by Francisco Pérez at the Ernest Lluch Seminar-UIMP Summer Course "Reformas y consensos en la economía española desde los Pactos de la Moncloa". Crecimiento y competitividad: la amplitud de las reformas pendientes. Santander

1 August

Updating of the database: Life table database on Spain and its regions (1975-2010)

1 August

Study publication: Universidad, universitarios y productividad en España

31 July

Human Capital Note No. 137: Los jóvenes y el empleo en tiempos difíciles

31 July

Latest Ivie working paper - EC series: When do people become adults? The Uruguayan case

30 July

Participation by Matilde Mas at the OECD-INDICSER Meeting on Estimating Intangible Capital at the Sector Level, OECD, Paris

26 July

Study publication: Patrones recientes de comercio y especialización internacional

23 July

Commmunications by Carmen Herrero and Antonio Villar at the European Congress of Health Economics. An equity-based proposal for the evaluation of health states in a multiregional context y Equality of Opportunity: A probabilistic approach. Zürich

21 July

Article by Santiago Carbó, José Manuel Liñares and Francisco Rodríguez: Feedback Loop Effects in Payment Card Markets: Empirical Evidence, Review of Network Economics

20 July

Data presentation: Educación y desarrollo. PISA 2009 y el sistema educativo español

18 July

Communication by Carmen Herrero at the XV Summer School in Economics and Philosophy: Measurement in Economics. Measurement of Human Development. San Sebastián

18 July

BBVA Foundation working paper: A multilevel decomposition of school performance using robust nonparametric frontier techniques
17 July

Communication by Amparo Soler, Emili Tortosa and Juan Carlos Matallín at the 25th European Conference on Operational Research. Assessing the role of managers as determinants of mutual fund efficiency: a nonparametric approach. Vilnius (Lithuania)
8-11 July

Conference by Francisco Pérez at the Jornada de Profesorado de la Facultad de Psicología, Ciencias de la Educación y el Deporte Blanquerna, Universitat Ramon Llull. Universidad, universitarios y productividad en España. Barcelona
11 July

Participation by Matilde Mas and Juan Carlos Robledo at the Midterm meeting of the ICT R&D MDCA European project. Joint Research Centre del Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS). Sevilla
9 July

Communication by Carlos Peraita and Ángel Soler at the XXI Jornadas de la Asociación de Economía de la Educación. La educación como moduladora de las desigualdades. Oporto
5-6 July

Communication by L. Hernández, J.M. Pastor, L. Serrano, Á. Soler and I. Zaera at the XXI Jornadas de la Asociación de Economía de la Educación. Universitarios y mercado de trabajo: diferencias por ramas de estudio. Oporto
5-6 July

Participation by Javier Quesada at the discussion El papel del Parlamento Europeo en la salida de la crisis: Una perspectiva alemana del debate austeridad vs. crecimiento. Universitat de València, Valencia
6 July

Conference by Francisco Pérez at the UCM Summer Course El gobierno y la financiacion de la universidad española. “Universidad, universitarios y productividad”. San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Madrid
2 July

Communication by Matilde Mas and Juan Fernández de Guevara at the 87th Annual Conference - Western Economic Association International Evaluating Policies to Improve TFP in a Context of Low Productivity Growth. San Francisco
2 July

Latest Ivie working paper - AD series: Sequential decisions in the Diamond-Dybvig banking model
2 July

Communication by L. Hernández, J.M. Pastor, L. Serrano, Á. Soler and I. Zaera at the III Third Annual Conference of the Spanish Association of Law and Economics. Universitarios y mercado de trabajo: diferencias por ramas de estudio. Valencia
29 June

Seminar by Carmen Herrero: Equality of opportunity: a statistical approach. UPV/EHU. Bilbao
29 June

Study publication: La productividad sectorial en España. Una perspectiva micro
27 June

Communication by J. Maudos and M. Gumbau at the Regional Science Association - RSA Global Conference 2012: Sustaining Regional Futures. Technological inequalities among European regions: regional effect vs. specialization effect. Beijing
24-27 June

Study presentation: Un modelo de crecimiento y productividad regional. El caso del País Vasco. Deusto Business School, Madrid
26 June

Study presentation: Observatory of young people's transition to the labour market. Valencia
26 June

Emili Tortosa is conference chair of the 4th International IFABS Conference on Rethinking and Finance: Money, Markets and Models, Valencia
18-20 June

Participation by Francisco J. Goerlich, Carmen Herrero and Matilde Mas at the INDICSER WP5 Health Workshop. Communications: "Health capital: an application for Spain" and "Relative equality of opportunity: an application for EOP in health in Europe". National Institute of Economic and Social Research, London
14-15 June

BBVA Foundation working papers: Life Potential as a Basic Demographic Indicator and Trade Integration in the European Union: Relative Contributions of Openness and Interconnectedness
15 June

Annual Report 2011
8 June

Human Capital Note No. 136: El emprendedurismo de la población extranjera en España
6 June

Participation by Francisco Pérez at the discussion Financiación autonómica y crisis económica. Valencia
5 June

Latest Ivie working papers - AD series: Stylized facts of CO2 returns, among other papers
5 June

Matilde Mas will be the chair at the Meeting of International Excellence VLC/CAMPUS in the area of knowledge of Economics. Universitat de València, Valencia
4 June

Article by Francisco J. Goerlich: Now-cast population estimates at municipal level discrepancies between the census and the municipal register at small scale, Boletín de la Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles
1 June

Conference by Francisco Pérez, organized by the Club Jaume I: La financiación pública de la Comunitat Valenciana y sus consecuencias económicas. Valencia
31 May

Article by José M. Peiró, Beatriz Sora and Amparo Caballer: Job insecurity in the younger Spanish workforce: Causes and consequences, Journal of Vocational Behavior
25 May

Participation by Carmen Herrero at the Seminar on Sustainability and Measurement of Human Progress. Human Development Report Office, United Nations Development Programme. New York
24 May

Lecture by José Manuel Pastor on the monetary policy in the Euro area, Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia (Murcia)
18 May

Data for Spain in the map produced by Eurostat for the European Union GEOSTAT population grid 2006
17 May

Presentation of the report: Observatory on Reforms for the European Financial Market 2012, Madrid
16 May

Human Capital Note No. 135: Estrategia de educación y formación 2020: ¿Cumplimos los objetivos?
15 May

Updating of the database: Capital stock in Spain and its distribution by territories (1964-2010)
14 May

Conference by Javier Quesada at the XXI Seminario ÉTNOR de Ética Económica y Empresarial: Instituciones económicas para un buen funcionamiento de la empresa. Valencia
10 May

Article by Robert Inklaar, Juan Fernández de Guevara and Joaquín Maudos: The Impact of the Financial Crisis on Financial Integration, Growth and Investment, National Institute Economic Review
8 May

Latest Ivie working papers - AD series: A proportional approach to bankruptcy problems with a guaranteed minimum, among other papers
7 May

Conference by Francisco Pérez, organized by the Observatorio Económico de Andalucía: Salir de la crisis: los desafíos de la competitividad, Sevilla
3 May

Presentation of the report developed by the Ivie for AVE (Valencian Association of Entrepreneurs): La financiación pública de la Comunitat Valenciana y sus consecuencias económicas, AVE head office, Valencia
2 May

Seminar by Manuel Illueca: Liberalization, bank governance, and risk taking. Universitat de València, Valencia
27 April

Article by Carmen Herrero and Patricia Cubí: Quality of Life Lost Due to Non-Fatal Road Traffic Injuries, Health Economics
27 April

Conference by Joaquín Maudos at the Conferencia sobre Riesgo País en Valencia: La importancia del sector bancario español para salir de la crisis: retos pendientes. Valencia
26 April

Article by Carmen Herrero, Ricardo Martínez and Antonio Villar: A newer human development index, Journal of Human Development and Capabilities
20 April

Opening speech by José M. Peiró at the 1º Congresso Nacional da Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses. Lisboa
19 April

Conferences by Francisco Alcalá, Francisco Pérez and Matilde Mas at the V Ciclo de conferencias de Economía Internacional 2012. Universidad de Zaragoza. Zaragoza
19 April

Study presentation: Universidad, universitarios y productividad en España, Fundación BBVA, Madrid
17 April

Communications by Santiago Carbó and Joaquín Maudos at the Observatorio Económico-Financiero CIFF: El sector bancario español. CIFF, Madrid
16 April

Seminar Fundación BBVA-Ivie: Equity and Poverty
11-12 April

Presentation by Emili Tortosa-Ausina: Desarrollo financiero y crecimiento regional en España: un enfoque de regresión cuantil, Universidad Diego Portales. Santiago de Chile
11 April

Latest Ivie working paper - EC series: Willingness to pay more for water in a climate of confrontation: The case of Sucre, Bolivia
10 April

Latest Ivie working papers - AD series: Mental health and economic conditions: How do economic fluctuations influence mental problems?, among other papers
10 April

Updating of the database: Life table database on Spain and its regions
4 April

Article by Enrique Bigné, Rafael Currás-Pérez and Joaquín Aldás-Manzano: Dual nature of cause-brand fit: Influence on corporate social responsibility consumer perception, European Journal of Marketing
4 April

Human Capital Note No. 134: Migraciones y capital humano en tiempos de crisis
30 March

Participation by Santiago Carbó and Joaquín Maudos at the Jornadas de Pensamiento Económico Contemporáneo Más allá de la Gran Recesión. Valencia
28 March

Article by Berrin Erdogan, Talya N. Bauer, José María Peiró and Donald M. Truxillo: Overqualified Employees: Making the Best of a Potentially Bad Situation for Individuals and Organizations, Industrial and Organizational Psychology
26 March

Study publication: Patrones de capitalización y crecimiento (1985-2008): Panorama internacional
26 March

Conference by Francisco Pérez: Desarrollo del Arco Mediterráneo Español: Trayectoria y perspectivas. Cámara de Comercio de Valencia, Valencia
22 March

Study presentation: Análisis para la mejora de la productividad en Aragón, Zaragoza
21 March

Seminar by Emili Tortosa-Ausina: The real effects of bank branch deregulation at various stages of economic development, Universitat de Girona, Girona
15 March

New data of the Life Table database: Information on the different causes of death in Spain
15 March

Article by M. Gloria González-Moralesa, José M. Peiró, Isabel Rodríguez and Paul D. Bliese: Perceived collective burnout: A multilevel explanation of burnout, Anxiety, Stress & Coping
15 March

Conferences by Santiago Carbó and Joaquín Maudos La reestructuracion del sector de las cajas de ahorros. An activity organized by the Cátedra de Finanzas Internacionales de la Universitat de València. Valencia
14 March

Communications by Santiago Carbó and Joaquín Maudos at the Seminario sobre la situación del sector financiero y bancario. ADEIT Fundación Universidad-Empresa, Valencia
14 March

Working paper published by the BBVA Foundation (no. 2 2012): Desempeño de los centros educativos: ¿Un problema de recursos o de capacidades organizacionales?
14 March

Working paper published by the BBVA Foundation (no. 1 2012): Tablas de vida de decrementos múltiples: Mortalidad por causas en España (1975-2008)
13 March

Participation by José Manuel Pastor and Lorenzo Serrano at the INDICSER WP6 Education Workshop. National Institute of Economic and Social Research, London
12 March

Participation by Matilde Mas and Juan Pérez at the Kick-off meeting of the ICT R&D MDCA European project. Joint Research Centre del Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS). Sevilla
12 March

Carmen Herrero's talk about the efficient allocation of talent in the Los viernes al sol. Series of Conferences organized by the University of Alicante's Museum, Alicante
9 March

Latest Ivie working paper - EC series: Certification effect and capital structure determinants in venture-backed companies
9 March

Latest Ivie working papers - AD series: Quality Choice and Advertising Regulation in Broadcasting Markets, among other papers
9 March

Comunication by Francisco J. Goerlich at the workshop Transportation, population and socioeconomic indicators for European Integration analisys (1870-2010). "A population density grid for Spain". University of Barcelona, Barcelona
8 March

Conference by Francisco Pérez: Getting over the crisis: possible scenarios conference for the 2nd Anniversary celebration of the journal Valenciaplaza.com, Valencia
1 March

Article by Santiago Carbó-Valverde, Timothy H. Hannan and Francisco Rodríguez-Fernández: Exploiting old customers and attracting new ones: The case of bank deposit pricing, European Economic Review
1 March

Human Capital Note No. 133: Crisis y mercado de trabajo: una perspectiva regional
29 February

Communication by Pilar Chorén at the XX Foro Universitario Juan Luis Vives. Valencia
28 February

Communication by Francisco Pérez at the Jornada del Fòrum Vives Las universidades del arco mediterráneo. El tiempo de las alianzas Castellón de la Plana
28 February

The Reunión sobre sectores productivos y economía sumergida is co-organized by Javier Quesada. Valencia
28 February

Communication by Ezequiel Uriel at the Reunión sobre sectores productivos y economía sumergida. La economía sumergida: vigencia y actualidad. Valencia
28 February

Latest Ivie working papers - AD series: Risk aversion and social networks, among other papers
28 February

Latest Ivie working paper - EC series: Trade credit policy and firm value
28 February

Seminar by Joaquín Aldás: The role of Confirmatory Tetrad Analysis in the formative vs. reflective latent constructs debate, programmed in the Máster en Investigación en Economía de la Empresa. University of Salamanca. Salamanca
27 February

Interview: Emilio Huerta, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
27 February

Partipation by Javier Quesada at the debates on the production model. Universitat de València
22 February

Article by Franco Manuel Sancho, María José Miguel and Joaquín Aldás: Factors influencing youth alcohol consumption intention: An approach from consumer socialization theory, Journal of Social Marketing
21 February

Communication by Javier Quesada at the XX Foro Universitario Juan Luis Vives. Valencia
20 February

New study: Pasado y presente. De la Gran Depresión del siglo XX a la Gran Recesión del siglo XXI
20 February

José María Peiró, honoured with the Medal by the School of Psychology of the University of Almeria and the Huarte de San Juan Prize by the professional association "Colegio de Psicólogos de Castilla y León"
17 February

Study presentation: La contribución socioeconómica de la Universidad de Extremadura, Campus Universitario de Badajoz
16 February

Participation by Santiago Carbó and Joaquín Maudos at the Forum Forinvest 2012. Feria Valencia
15 February

Article by Timothy Besley, José G. Montalvo y Marta Reynal-Querol: Do educated leaders matter?, The Economic Journal
10 February

Participation by José Manuel Pastor at the Jornada Técnica sobre La Transferencia de Conocimiento en la Investigación Pública: datos disponibles y datos deseables, Madrid
8 February

Seminar by Manuel Illueca: Liberalization, Bank Governance and Risk Taking, LEE, Universitat Jaume I, Castellón de la Plana
6 February

Article by Emili Tortosa-Ausina, Carmen Armero, David Conesa and Emili Grifell-Tatjé: Bootstrapping profit change: An application to Spanish banks, Computers & operations research
3 February

Participation by Francisco Pérez at the Jornada Cambio de modelo productivo y Universidad, innovación y sostenibilidad. Presentation. Video. UNED, Madrid
31 January

New study: Industrial Productivity in Europe. Growth and Crisis
31 January

Work meeting: Indicadores de resultados de las Universidades Españolas
26-27 January

Participation by Joaquín Maudos at the Jornada sobre la reforma del sistema bancario español. Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza
25 January

Article by José M. Pastor and Lorenzo Serrano: European Integration and Inequality among Countries: A Lifecycle Income Analysis, Review of International Economics
24 January

Interview: Emilio Huerta, Universidad Pública de Navarra
23 January

Article by Michael R. Bashshur, Ana Hernández and José María Peiró: The impact of underemployment on individual and team performance, Underemployment: psychological, economic, and social challenges
17 January

Seminar Fundación BBVA-Ivie: Sector público y territorio: desigualdades, bienestar y respuesta a la crisis, Fundación Universidad-Empresa, Adeit, Valencia
16 January

Study publication: El sector bancario español en el contexto internacional: el impacto de la crisis
12 January

Seminar Fundación BBVA-Ivie: The challenges facing Spanish firms: productivity and innovation, Ivie, Valencia
11 January

Article by Florian Blöchl, Fabian J. Theis, Fernando Vega-Redondo and Eric O'N. Fisher: Vertex centralities in input-output networks reveal the structure of modern economies, Physical Review E
4 January