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Seminars BBVA Foundation - Ivie 2012
Public sector and territory: inequality, welfare and response to the crisis

Fundación Universidad-Empresa, Adeit
Plaza Virgen de la Paz, 3
46001 Valencia
Valencia, 16 January 2012
Fundación BBVA



Spain is a highly decentralized country and its public sector is characterized today by a remarkable regional diversity that can be seen in many ways. For example, per capita spending levels and the public sector's weight in GVA and employment show significant regional differences, to the extent in which some are double in comparison to others. The intensity of public actions is more variable between regions than between Spain and its neighbouring countries. These differences are not only found in the roles played by regional and local governments but also in those played by central government. A recent study by the BBVA Foundation and the Ivie, Las diferencias regionales del sector público español, takes an in-depth look at this reality over the first decade of the 21st century.

The magnitude of the differences gives rise to many relevant questions when assessing the role of public policies and fiscal adjustments in progress in contemporary Spain. Is the size of the Spanish public sector too large? Is the provision of public services similar in the Spanish regions? Are equal opportunities under threat? Are the differences in per capita spending caused by different needs, or other historical or political reasons? Does the distribution of spending contribute to inter-territorial equity? Are regional development policies effective?

Under the current circumstances, all governments have to face an adjustment of their income and expenses so as to reduce the deficit and debt accumulated. These differences raise additional questions that are also significant: when discussing the tax obligations of regional governments, should the different levels of resources and spending per capita be taken into account? Why does the new funding model of regional governments continue to provide differences in per capita resources of 35%? What part of the adjustment should correspond to improvements in income, and by what means? Which are due to improvements in efficiency or to cutting costs, and in which assets? Do we spend less on education or health without reducing the size or quality of basic public services?

This workshop aims to contribute to the in-depth analysis of these issues by providing accurate information on public sector performance and by the contributions of renowned experts in the field of public economics, fiscal federalism and regional development.


9:30-11:30: Primera sesión. Ingresos públicos, nivel de gasto y territorio

Moderador: Ernest Reig, Universitat de València e Ivie

"Las diferencias regionales del sector público español"
Francisco Pérez, Universitat de València e Ivie

"La financiación de las CC. AA.: Cuántos recursos y qué distribución"
Antoni Zabalza, Universitat de València. Documento

"Reducción del déficit y del endeudamiento: Con cuántos recursos se puede contar"
Santiago Lago, REDE y Universidad de Vigo

11:30-12:00: Pausa-café

12:00-14:00: Segunda sesión. Servicios públicos y política regional

Moderador: Antonio Villar, Universidad Pablo de Olavide e Ivie

"Gasto y servicios sanitarios: Qué se puede hacer"
Pablo Vázquez, Fedea y Universidad Complutense de Madrid

"Gasto y políticas educativas en las CC. AA.: Desigualdades de origen y desigualdades intencionales"
Jorge Calero, Universitat de Barcelona e IEB

"Política regional: Resultados y nuevas ideas"
Andrés Rodríguez-Pose, London School of Economics e IMDEA


Francisco Pérez, Universitat de València e Ivie


Jorge Calero, Universitat de Barcelona e IEB
Santiago Lago, REDE y Universidad de Vigo
Francisco Pérez, Universitat de València e Ivie
Andrés Rodríguez-Pose, London School of Economics e IMDEA
Pablo Vázquez, Fedea y Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Antoni Zabalza, Universitat de València


Fundación Universidad – Empresa, Adeit
Plaza Virgen de la Paz, 3
46001 Valencia