Robert Stehrer (wiiw) and the researcher at the Ivie, Matilde Mas, are the editors of this volume that contains the main results of the EU KLEMS project
Among the literature focusing on the analysis of the current crisis, there are certain aspects that have been less debated, as the sectoral patterns in relation to output and productivity growth. Precisely these sectoral developments are discussed in the publication Industrial Productivity in Europe. Growth and Crisis, edited by Robert Stehrer (wiiw) and Matilde Mas, Professor at the University of Valencia and researcher at the Ivie and published by Edward Elgar.
This book analyzes growth at the total economy and industry level from an international perspective, providing unique cross-country comparisons. The authors focus on the EU-25 countries but also include the US, Japan and Korea. This volume, therefore, presents a set of papers, which have been developed under the EU KLEMS Project, by 32 contributors, among them Harvard Professor Dale W. Jorgenson, Marcel Timmer from the Groningen Growth and Development Center, Bart van Ark from The Conference Board, Nicholas Oulton from the Centre of Economic Performance and London School of Economics and Professor Mary O'Mahony from the Birmingham Business School.
The chapters explore growth patterns from a long-run perspective, although greater attention is paid to the period of expansion from 1995-2007 and the post period of crisis. Each contribution builds on a common methodology based on a detailed database providing a high degree of disaggregation with respect to the industries and factors accounting for growth. The methodology followed is 'growth accounting'. The role played by ICT is expertly emphasized, in particular the different paths followed in the US and the EU.
The volume is divided into three parts. Part I provides an overview of the main findings of the EU KLEMS project from an overall perspective. Part II offers a detailed analysis of the individual countries' performance, while Part III presents some additional results obtained by using the EU KLEMS database on specific topics. Most of the chapters concentrate on the most recent period, 1995-2009. However, some of the data reaches the year 2010.
In Chapter 1, Matilde Mas presents an overview of the main results obtained by the project, focusing on the most recent period, 1995-2010, for the main aggregates. The chapter highlights the importance of taking a closer look at the industry composition of output as well as the compositions of inputs. It also focuses on the key role played by ICT in productivity growth.
Further information:
Participation by Matilde Mas at The First WORLD KLEMS Conference, Harvard University, 19-20 August 2010 'Productivity in Europe. From the expansion to the crisis' Download Preview
Recommended citation:
Mas, M. and R. Stehrer (eds.), 2012: Industrial productivity in Europe: Growth and crisis. Cheltenham, Inglaterra; Northampton, Massachusetts: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., 485 pp.

This book analyzes growth at the total economy and industry level from an international perspective, providing unique cross-country comparisons. The authors focus on the EU-25 countries but also include the US, Japan and Korea. This volume, therefore, presents a set of papers, which have been developed under the EU KLEMS Project, by 32 contributors, among them Harvard Professor Dale W. Jorgenson, Marcel Timmer from the Groningen Growth and Development Center, Bart van Ark from The Conference Board, Nicholas Oulton from the Centre of Economic Performance and London School of Economics and Professor Mary O'Mahony from the Birmingham Business School.
The chapters explore growth patterns from a long-run perspective, although greater attention is paid to the period of expansion from 1995-2007 and the post period of crisis. Each contribution builds on a common methodology based on a detailed database providing a high degree of disaggregation with respect to the industries and factors accounting for growth. The methodology followed is 'growth accounting'. The role played by ICT is expertly emphasized, in particular the different paths followed in the US and the EU.
The volume is divided into three parts. Part I provides an overview of the main findings of the EU KLEMS project from an overall perspective. Part II offers a detailed analysis of the individual countries' performance, while Part III presents some additional results obtained by using the EU KLEMS database on specific topics. Most of the chapters concentrate on the most recent period, 1995-2009. However, some of the data reaches the year 2010.
In Chapter 1, Matilde Mas presents an overview of the main results obtained by the project, focusing on the most recent period, 1995-2010, for the main aggregates. The chapter highlights the importance of taking a closer look at the industry composition of output as well as the compositions of inputs. It also focuses on the key role played by ICT in productivity growth.
Further information:
Participation by Matilde Mas at The First WORLD KLEMS Conference, Harvard University, 19-20 August 2010 'Productivity in Europe. From the expansion to the crisis' Download Preview
Recommended citation:
Mas, M. and R. Stehrer (eds.), 2012: Industrial productivity in Europe: Growth and crisis. Cheltenham, Inglaterra; Northampton, Massachusetts: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., 485 pp.