Research article
Authors: Francisco Pérez and Lorenzo Serrano
Title: Capital humano y formación de directivos: Situación española y estrategias de mejora
Source: Economía Industrial
Abstract: Human capital deepening is more likely if firms have professional management: businesses are larger, the education level of decision-makers and the employment of graduates are higher, the productive specialization is more knowledge-based and outward-looking, enterprises are financially and organizationally stronger and more productive, and their employees have higher wages. Thus, public policies should promote the changes needed for the Spanish economy by favouring the professionalization of firm managers, in order to separate the roles of business owners and managers in many companies and avoid inbreeding.
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Recommended citation:
Pérez, F. and L. Serrano, 2013. "Capital humano y formación de directivos: Situación española y estrategias de mejora", Economía Industrial, 387, pp. 87-107.