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BBVA Foundation-Ivie Seminar 2014

Geographical aspects of statistical information: From Census 2011 to Spatial Data Infrastructures

Fundación Universidad-Empresa, Adeit
Plaza Virgen de la Paz, 3
46001 Valencia
Valencia, 6 June 2014

Fundación BBVA


In collaboration with:

Universitat de València


When the Spanish Geographic and Statistical Institutes were created in the 19th century, geographic and statistical information went hand in hand, because, in the end, practically all statistics have a territorial and, therefore, a geographic basis. However, in the 20th century, statistics were elaborated by the Spanish National Statistics Institute (INE), while the maintenance of the geographic information was commissioned to the Spanish National Geographic Institute (IGN), causing a certain lack of coordination between the two types of information. Independently, the Land Registry, a registration and tax oriented organism, was gathering a large amount of information on real estate wealth and placing it more accurately in the territory.

The technology based innovative process and the globalization of geographical information systems, which have been taking place since the beginning of the 21st century, are leading towards an integration of statistical and geographical data which seems unstoppable. On the other hand, the European Union established the INSPIRE Directive with the aim of creating a Spatial Data Infrastructure that binds all the geographical data with various data themes, with statistical information being a key component. The implementation of this Directive will have a significant impact on users in the near future.

The recent Census 2011, carried out by INE, has taken good note of this by georeferencing all buildings and generating consultation systems of geographical information. For its part, the IGN acts as an integrator of different infrastructures of spatial data that are being generated, while the Land Registry is a pioneer in creating user-oriented web mapping services in Spain. Likewise, the Service of Spanish Land Cover & Use of the IGN has generated information on land cover with a resolution and a model far superior to the one used at European level (Corine Land Cover).

In this context, the objective of this seminar is to present and analyze the geographic data available to users and examine the information from an interdisciplinary point of view, with the participation of experts directly involved in the production of this type of data and services.

The seminar begins with the possibilities of disseminating data from the last census, 2011, conducted by the INE, especially the options offered from a geographical point of view. Then we will examine the possibilities of the Land Registry as a source of statistical information, with a database which, due to its size, will be included within the “Big Data” and has not yet been sufficiently used by end-users. The IGN will present the INSPIRE Directive and the Spanish Land Use and Land Cover Information System (SIOSE). The seminar will conclude with the presentation of some applications elaborated by the Ivie on this type of data.


9:10-9:15 Presentación

Francisco J. Goerlich


"Productos de difusión del Censo 2011. Información general"
Carmen Teijeiro, INE


"Consulta de información geográfica relativa a los Censo 2011. Enfoque práctico"
Jorge L. Vega, INE

10:45-11:15 Descanso y café


"El uso de la información catastral como fuente de información estadística"
Fernando Serrano, Dirección General del Catastro


"La implementación de INSPIRE y la relación entre Información Geográfica y Estadística"
Antonio F. Rodríguez, Centro Nacional de Información Geográfica, IGN


"Sistema de Información de Ocupación del Suelo en España (SIOSE)"
M.ª Elena Caballero, Servicio de Ocupación del Suelo, IGN


"Grids de población, sistemas urbanos y accesibilidad"
Francisco Goerlich, Universitat de València e Ivie
Isidro Cantarino, Universitat Politècnica de València


Francisco J. Goerlich, Universitat de València e Ivie


M.ª Elena Caballero, Servicio de Ocupación del Suelo, IGN
Isidro Cantarino, Universitat Politècnica de València
Francisco Goerlich, Universitat de València e Ivie
Antonio F. Rodríguez, Centro Nacional de Información Geográfica, IGN
Fernando Serrano, Dirección General del Catastro
Carmen Teijeiro, INE
Jorge L. Vega, INE


Fundación Universidad-Empresa, Adeit
Plaza Virgen de la Paz, 3
46001 Valencia