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BBVA Foundation-Ivie Seminar 2014

What economic changes are needed in Spain?
(II) Growth based on improving productivity and competitiveness

Fundación Universidad-Empresa, Adeit
Plaza Virgen de la Paz, 3
46001 Valencia
Valencia, 30 October 2014

Fundación BBVA


In collaboration with:

Universitat de València


The large amount of evidence gathered so far on the development of dozens of countries is proof that, in the long run, their main source of growth is through the improvement of productivity. Another important lesson learnt from experience is that a country’s growth is increasingly conditioned by its capacity to compete in the world market. Therefore, it is not surprising that the Spanish economy needs a new pattern of growth different from the one used during the last boom.

The crisis has made clear that our model of development is unsustainable without the improvement in efficiency and competitiveness. For this, it is necessary to revise the functioning of a large part of the production system and many of our institutions. The discussions on why these problems affect us are not new. However, they are more necessary today to recover a continuous growth strong enough to alleviate the growing problem of unemployment in Spain.

The purpose of this seminar is to reflect on these questions, based on research results and recent publications, by bringing together specialists in the analysis of growth, productivity and competitiveness to discuss the following issues:

  • What expectations of growth does the Spanish economy have for the coming years? How much will the growth alleviate the drama of mass unemployment in Spain?
  • Why does Spain’s productivity not improve despite the remarkable efforts made in investment during many years? Why is physical and human capital productivity scarce? Which investments can improve productivity?
  • What are the causes of Spain’s deficit in competitiveness and where are its opportunities?
  • Which public policies can be developed to boost productivity and competitiveness in order to continue growing and improving?
  • What changes are needed to improve the productivity and competitiveness of the manufacturing and services sectors in Spain?

Offering answers to these questions, based on a rigorous analysis of the problems, is fundamental to come up with realistic proposals for action. Other solutions may seem simpler, but being aware of the difficulty of the problems reduces the risk of creating great expectations that are impossible to meet.

For this purpose we have invited a group of well-known specialists in this field, accredited by their academic careers and publications, to discuss these issues. Their interventions will be structured in two panels that focus on the prospects of future growth. The first part will target issues concerning productivity, while the second relates to competitiveness.

The seminar, the second of a series of activities of the BBVA Foundation Economic Research Program dedicated to analyzing the economic changes that Spain needs, is aimed at economists and Public Administration professionals, Social Science teachers and students, interested public and the media.


9:15–9:30 Apertura y presentación

9:30–11:30 Primer Panel. La mejora de la productividad y las posibilidades de crecimiento

Moderador: Joaquín Maudos, Universitat de València, Ivie y CUNEF

“Cómo mejorar la productividad del esfuerzo inversor privado y público”
Francisco Pérez, Universitat de València e Ivie

“Por qué invertir en intangibles es productivo"
Matilde Mas, Universitat de València e Ivie

“El crecimiento potencial de la economía española hasta 2020”
Javier Andrés, Universitat de València e Instituto de Economía Internacional

11:30–12:00 Pausa – café

12:00–14:00 Segundo Panel. La competitividad española ante las perspectivas de la economía mundial

Moderador: Javier Quesada, Universitat de València e Ivie

“Recuperando competitividad: Condicionantes macroeconómicos”
Oscar Arce, Banco de España

“Especialización y competitividad de la economía española: retos y estrategias”
Francisco Alcalá, Universidad de Murcia e Ivie

"La productividad y competitividad de los servicios españoles: ¿cómo les ha afectado la crisis?"
Juan Ramón Cuadrado, Universidad de Alcalá

14:00–14:15 Clausura


Francisco Pérez, Universitat de València e Ivie


Francisco Alcalá, Universidad de Murcia e Ivie
Javier Andrés, Universitat de València e Instituto de Economía Internacional
Oscar Arce, Banco de España
Juan Ramón Cuadrado, Universidad de Alcalá
Matilde Mas, Universitat de València e Ivie
Joaquín Maudos, Universitat de València, Ivie y CUNEF
Francisco Pérez, Universitat de València e Ivie
Javier Quesada, Universitat de València e Ivie


Fundación Universidad-Empresa, Adeit
Plaza Virgen de la Paz, 3
46001 Valencia