October 2016 | Nueva actualización de indicadores de SIUVP: El alumnado de máster aumenta un 30% en dos años y ya representa el 9,3% de las matrículas en las universidades públicas valencianas. | |
June 2016 | Base de datos regional del estudio Cuentas de la Educación en España. El análisis presentado en marzo sobre la situación de la educación en los que llevamos de siglo se complementa con los datos autonómicos, que permiten extraer conclusiones por ámbito geográfico. | |
June 2016 | 7th Conference on the Spanish Banking Sector. Researchers and professional experts analyze ways to improve the profitability of the banking. The Ivie conference includes a discussion between Bankia and Banco Sabadell CEO. | |
May 2016 | Distribución de la renta, crisis económica y políticas redistributivas. Estudio de la Fundación BBVA y el Ivie que analizan el efecto de las políticas públicas sobre la distribución de la renta en España para el periodo 2003-2013. | |
March 2016 | Ranking universidades españolas. Cuarta edición de U-Ranking con información de las universidades públicas y privadas españolas según su volumen de resultados y productividad, y en función de su actividad docente, investigadora y de innovación y desarrollo tecnológico | |
March 2016 | Maratón Valencia Trinidad Alfonso 2015: Informe que cuantifica el impacto económico asociado a la celebración de este evento deportivo en términos de producción, renta (valor añadido) y empleo. | |
March 2016 | Las Cuentas de la Educación en España. Recursos, gastos y resultados. Presentación de la monografía, elaborada por la Fundación BBVA y el Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas (Ivie), que analiza la situación de la educación en el país desde los primeros años del siglo XXI. | |
February 2016 | SIUVP (Valencian Public University System of Information): Platform of the 5 public universities of the Valencian Community. It offers a complete information system with more than 60 indicators from homogeneous and comparable data among the five institutions. | |
January 2016 | Contribución Socioeconómica de las Universidades Públicas Valencianas: En esta 3ª edición se ha puesto el foco en analizar el papel de las universidades en relación con las oportunidades de empleo de los titulados, la salida de la crisis económica y la contribución de los universitarios y las universidades al cambio de modelo productivo que la Comunitat Valenciana necesita. | |
December 2015 | Esenciales, documentos divulgativos: La Fundación BBVA y el Ivie lanzan esta nueva serie de documentos breves orientados a difundir los principales resultados del programa de investigación que ambas instituciones vienen desarrollando durante los últimos veinte años. | |
November 2015 | Capital Social: una aproximación económica. Monografía que analiza las consecuencias que la crisis está teniendo sobre distintas dimensiones del capital social, proponiendo una visión multidimensional de este concepto. El volumen muestra que los resultados económicos influyen en muchas dimensiones de capital social, las relacionadas con el nivel de actividad y otras como la confianza en las instituciones públicas. | |
June 2015 | Geografía del Capital Humano en España: Estudio que analiza la distribución territorial del capital humano a nivel regional y local, y refleja los cambios experimentados en los niveles y en la concentraciçón del capital humano en España en la última década. | |
May 2015 | Gasto en educación, salud y protección social. Datos sobre la evolución del gasto en los servicios públicos fundamentales en España y sus comunidades autónomas desde 2002 a 2013 con la finalidad de aportar información objetiva al debate y la toma de decisiones. | |
March 2015 | Ranking universidades españolas. Tercera edición de U-Ranking con información de las universidades públicas y privadas españolas según su volumen de resultados y productividad, y en función de su actividad docente, investigadora y de innovación y desarrollo tecnológico | |
March 2015 | Inserción laboral de los jóvenes españoles: Informe que analiza los problemas laborales de los jóvenes de 16 a 34 años durante las tres últimas crisis, el papel de la formación en su resolución y las perspectivas de empleo para la próxima década. | |
February 2015 | Maratón Valencia Trinidad Alfonso 2014: Informe que cuantifica el impacto económico asociado a la celebración de este evento deportivo en términos de producción, renta (valor añadido) y empleo. | |
December 2014 | Spanish economy: Report on Growth and Competitiveness (human capital, public policies, employment, R&D, socially inclusive growth, inequality and poverty) | |
July 2014 | Endeudamiento de las empresas: Datos sobre el endeudamiento y la vulnerabilidad financiera de las empresas españolas en el contexto europeo. Incluye datos sobre cómo ha cambiado la estructura financiera de las empresas durante la crisis | |
June 2014 | Capitalization and growth. Updating of the database on stock. Data show investment behaviour and capital accumulation at a national level and information by autonomous community and provinces. | |
June 2014 | Data on human poverty in Spain and its regions including the following four dimensions: health poverty, poverty in education, income poverty and social exclusion. | |
May 2014 | Ranking of Spanish universities. Classification of the Spanish public universities according to their results and productivity, taking into account the effect of the sizes of the different universities and also their teaching and R&D activities. | |
March 2014 | Spanish population aging. Data on life expectancy and life potential in Spain for the 1975-2012 period. Data for Spain, by autonomous communities and provinces and differences by sex. Information on the main causes of death is also offered. | |
January 2014 | Human capital. Data on how the educational level of the Spanish population affects the probability of employment and participation, the evolution of the average years of education of the working-age population and geographic location of the economic value of human capital. | |
December 2013 | Recovery of the Spanish economy. Diagnosis of the current state and outlook of the Spanish economy. Special attention is given to several structural problems that will affect the intensity and extent of the recovery, i.e. the scarce use of human capital, the low endowments of intangible capital, the importance of the industry and service sectors, the contribution of foreign trade, the financial dimensions of the crisis or the consequences of the bad labour market situation for income distribution. | |
August 2013 | Public health system. This study examines whether the financial sustainability of the Spanish health system can be maintained in the future. It also carries out an assessment of the reforms being undertaken in Spain, such as the co-pay or new forms of organization and of public-private management. This publication is accompanied by a database with information on public spending on health in Spain and its autonomous communities for the 1991-2010 period. | |
July 2013 | Spanish economic growth. Data on investment and capital stock in Spain by regions. The evolution and outlook of Spain’s accumulation pattern are analyzed. | |
July 2013 | Ranking of Spanish universities. Classification of the Spanish public universities according to their results and productivity, taking into account the effect of the sizes of the different universities and also their teaching and R&D activities. | Presentation on SlideShare (in Spanish) |
May 2013 | Human development and poverty. Data on how the crisis has affected these two aspects in Spain and its autonomous communities. | |
February 2013 | Banking relationships of Spanish firms. Analysis of the firms’ characteristics depending on the type of financial institution with which they work (domestic banks, foreign banks, savings banks or credit unions). Data on the changes in business orientation of the different types of Spanish deposit-taking institutions towards certain types of firms, as well as the effects of the crisis on their banking relationships. | |
February 2013 | Socioeconomic contribution of Valencian state universities. Data on the impact generated by these institutions in terms of demand, income and employment, among other aspects. | |
January 2013 | Average age of population and life expectancy in Spain. Data for the period 1975-2011 by autonomous community and region. | |
January 2013 | Young people and job flexibility. Data from the beginning of the crisis, by gender and job preferences, as well as the consequences of labour flexibility for young people’s employment. | |
December 2012 | Overqualification and its effects on young people. Data on youths' labour and skill mismatches and the consequences for young people at monetary (smaller wages), emotional (less satisfied with their jobs) and behavioral (less involved in work, less innovative and less concerned about developing their professional careers) levels. | |
December 2012 | Growth and Competitiveness of the Spanish Economy. Analysis of the drivers of change in Spain's pattern of economic growth and the impact of the long recession. Data for the trajectory of Spain is offered for recent years from macroeconomic, business profitability, productivity, sources of employment and knowledge economy perspectives. | |
October 2012 | Young people leaving education. Why young people leave full-time education, and the importance of education and training during the crisis. | |
October 2012 | Knowledge economy. Main results of the Observatory of Knowledge-Based Activities-ABACO. Data on the ICT sector, human capital, R&D, business innovation, knowledge-based GDP, and others. The evolution of knowledge-based activities during the crisis is also analyzed. | |
October 2012 | Vital trajectories of young people. Data on young people who return to their parental homes after emancipating, as well as the influence that age and employment has on the decision to live in the family home. | |
October 2012 | University and productivity. Data on applied research and technology transfer in Spain, continuous training and modest contribution to the advancement of productivity despite an increase in the number of university graduates in firms, among others issues. | |
August 2012 | Capital in housing. Data on the value of housing in Spain (1990-2010), offering an in-depth look at the value of land and buildings. Data is broken down by autonomous community, province, municipality size and location in relation to the coast. For the first time in Spain, the value of the stock of other constructions other than residential housing has been estimated. | |
August 2012 | Mortality probabilities. Information on the different causes of death in Spain for the 1975-2010 period | |
July 2012 | The Spanish educational system. This research project focuses on the analysis of these aspects: 1) it studies in depth the measurement of educational scores and not only the average scores of the PISA tests; 2) it examines the relationship between educational attainment, economic growth and the labor market; and 3) analyzes the causes and nature of the large differences in school performance between the Spanish regions. | |
June 2012 | Young people's transition to the labour market . Data on the training and employment of Spanish young people and their opinions and experiences in the labor market. | |
June 2012 | Foreign entrepreneurs in Spain Data on foreign and Spanish entrepreneurs and the effects of the crisis | |
May 2012 | Capitalization and growth. Updating of the database on stock. Data show investment behaviour and capital accumulation at a national level and information by autonomous community and provinces. | |
May 2012 | Autonomous Community Funding. A report that explains the permanent deficit and high indebtedness of the Valencian Government. It compares the level of income and expenses of the public services in the Valencian Community with that of the other Spanish regions, and gives details on the impact of all this on the access of the Valencian people to public services and the economic development of the region. | |
April 2012 | University and productivity. Study on the strengths and weaknesses of the Spanish universities, as well as the opportunities and threats arising from their labour and productive environment. The research analyzes, among other issues, the relationship between the resources and results of the university, the gap between offer and demand, the profile and the selection of university teachers and their research activities. The study also examines how the type of degree affects the employment opportunities of university graduates. The report proposes 12 measures that would improve the results of the Spanish universities with a lower cost, both in quality and quantity. | |
April 2012 | Average age of population and life expectancy in Spain. Data for the period 1975-2010 by autonomous community and region. | |
March 2012 | Mortality probabilities. Information on the different causes of death in Spain. Comparison for the 1975-2009 period and differences by sex and age | |
February 2012 | The Great Depression and the Great Recession. The aim of this book is to explain what happened during the Great Depression and how the Great Recession came to be. The study is divided into two parts: the first deals with the past, while focusing on the present and future; the second part analyzes the current problems, while keeping in mind that they are not entirely new and that to understand them it is necessary to look back and gain perspective. | |
January 2012 | Spanish banking sector. Study on the impact of the crisis in the Spanish banking sector. | |
November 2011 | Regional differences in the Spanish public sector. This research project examines the activity of Spanish Central Government in the country's autonomous communities. Topics broached include the size of the public sector in comparison to the rest of Europe, the distribution of expenditure and the progress of revenues. | |
July 2011 | Growth and Competitiveness of the Spanish Economy Urgent structural objectives and proposals for lasting economic recovery and an analysis on the history of the Spanish economy from 1995 to the present. | |
April 2011 | Health. Road crashes in Spain: their evolution, determinants and consequences at regional and European level | |
March 2011 | Average age of population and life expectancy in Spain. Data for the period 1975-2009 by autonomous community and region. | |
March 2011 | Human capital and employment. The impact of the level of education and other educational variables on the probability of suffering long-term unemployment (2010) | |
March 2011 | Capitalization and growth. Updating of the database on stock. Data show investment behaviour and capital accumulation at a national level and information by autonomous community and provinces. | |
January 2011 | Sources of growth and productivity in Europe and Latin America. Experiences of growth that have taken place in different Latin American and European countries. | |
January 2011 | Human capital and employment. | |
November 2010 | Mediterranean Arc. Necessary reforms to continue the key role of the area. Detailed overview of the many geographical, economic, environmental and work activities that shape the Mediterranean Arc. | |
July 2010 | Human development. Data on Spain, its autonomous communities and provinces for the period 1980-2007. The study contains information on health, education and income. | |
July 2010 | Real estate and construction sectors. Study on real estate and construction sectors in Spain during the growth cycle and the beginning of the crisis. The determinants of business failure are also examined, as well as the situation from a broad temporal and international perspective. | |
June 2010 | Young people's transition to the labour market. Data on experiences of young people at work (voluntary and involuntary leaving, involvement and attitudes). | |
May 2010 | Productivity. Data on Spain and a further 28 countries (1995-2009). 2010 | |
April 2010 | Population Panorama of the demographic transformation of Spain(1900-2009). 2009 data on population living in urban and coastal areas, mobility and population aging, among others. | |
April 2010 | Human Capital. Differences in the life trajectories of young people (leaving the family home and parenthood) according to the size of the municipality in which they reside, gender, age and level of education. | |
March 2010 | Life expectancy in Spain. Data for the period 1975-2008 by sex, age and autonomous community of residence. | |
February 2010 | Capitalization and growth Updating of the database on stock, with information until 2009 (national series) and until 2007 (autonomous communities and provinces). Data show investment behaviour and capital accumulation at a national level during the two years of the crisis, and information by autonomous community and provinces during the last cycle of growth (1995-2007) | Annex Data by Regions and an advance of 2009 net capital stock |
January 2010 | Mediterranean Arc. Study on the trajectory and prospects of the autonomous communities that make up this area (Catalonia, the Valencian Community, the Balearic Islands, the Region of Murcia and Andalusia). Among the issues examined are the weaknesses of the Mediterranean Arc and the necessary reforms. | |
October 2009 | Population Dissemination of the data on Castile-La-Mancha | |
October 2009 | Population Dissemination of the data on Madrid | |
October 2009 | Population Dissemination of the data on Aragon | |
October 2009 | Capital in housing. Data on the value of housing in Spain (1990-2007), offering an in-depth look at the value of land and buildings. Data is broken down by autonomous community, province, municipality size and location in relation to the coast. Some data for 2008 is also included. | |
September 2009 | Socioeconomic contribution of Valencian state universities. Data on the impact generated by these institutions in terms of demand, income and employment, among other aspects. Information is also provided on the universities' research activity. | Press release diffused by the SUPV universities (in Spanish) |
July 2009 | Young people's transition to the labour market Study on young people's labour flexibility and over-qualifications. Data for the 1996-2008 period covering aspects such as training, work perspectives, looking for employment, and attitudes and behaviour of young people towards work. | |
July 2009 | Human capital. Benefits associated with training (greater likelihood of employment, permanent contract and salary, among others). Data from 2008 and the first trimester of 2009. | |
June 2009 | Public capital. Data on investment and public capital stock in Spain for the period 1900-2007 (national series) and 1900-2006 (autonomous communities and provinces). Investment activity in the public sector is detailed in areas such as infrastructures, health and education. | |
May 2009 | Capitalization and growth Updating of the database on stock, with information until 2007 (national series) and until 2006 (autonomous communities and provinces) | |
March 2009 | Capitalization and growth Dissemination of the data on Cantabria | |
March 2009 | Dependency. Study on aspects related to the labour market and demography in Spain | |
March 2009 | Productivity Updated data on Spain's autonomous communities (2007) and evolution (1985-2007) | |
February 2009 | Population Dissemination of the data on the Canary Islands | |
February 2009 | Capitalization and growth Dissemination of the data on La Rioja | |
February 2009 | Capitalization and growth Dissemination of the data on Navarre | |
February 2009 | Population Dissemination of the data on the Valencian Community | |
December 2008 | Capitalization and growth Evolution of house prices by square meter of privately financed homebuilding in Spain according to its location, on the coast or inland, and to the city size (1990-2007) | |
December 2008 | Population Dissemination of the data on Murcia | |
December 2008 | Capitalization and growth Dissemination of the data on Murcia | |
December 2008 | Banking and finance Study on evolution and challenges of the Spanish banking sector in a European context | |
November 2008 | Health Impact of road crashes on the health of the Spanish population. Data on the deceased and seriously injured | |
November 2008 | Population Dissemination of the data on Galicia | |
November 2008 | Territorial distribution of national production Data on the autonomous communities (Study on the competitiveness of Spanish regions) | |
October 2008 | Productivity Dissemination of the data on Spain's autonomous communities (Study on the competitiveness of Spain's regions) | |
October 2008 | Population Dissemination of the data on La Rioja | |
September 2008 | Human capital. Report on the educational characteristics of Spain's entrepreneurs and how their human capital affects wage-earnings and the firms they manage | |
September 2008 | Population Dissemination of the data on Andalusia | |
July 2008 | Public funding Report on the problematic common system of the Autonomous Funding System | |
July 2008 | Capitalization and growth Dissemination of the data on Asturias | |
July 2008 | Capitalization and growth Dissemination of the data on Castile and Leon | |
July 2008 | Capitalization and growth Dissemination of the data on Castile-La Mancha | |
July 2008 | Capitalization and growth Dissemination of the data on Aragon | |
July 2008 | Capitalization and growth Dissemination of the data on the Basque country | |
July 2008 | Capitalization and growth Dissemination of the data on Galicia | |
June 2008 | Capitalization and growth Dissemination of the data on the Valencia Community | |
June 2008 | Population Dissemination of the data on Cantabria | |
June 2008 | Capitalization and growth Dissemination of the data on the Canary Islands | |
June 2008 | Capitalization and growth Dissemination of the data on the Community of Madrid | |
June 2008 | Capitalization and growth Dissemination of the data on Andalucia | |
May 2008 | Capitalization and growth Dissemination of the data on Catalonia | |
May 2008 | Population Dissemination of the data on Extremadura | |
May 2008 | Capitalization and growth Dissemination of the data on Extremadura | |
April 2008 | Population Dissemination of the data on Asturias | |
March 2008 | Population Dissemination of the data on Catalonia | |
March 2008 | Competitiveness Study on the competitiveness of Spain's autonomous communities based on their level of prosperity | |
February 2008 | Population Dissemination of the data on the Basque country | |
February 2008 | Immigration Presentation of the Immigration at a Glance note about the citizens of China | |
February 2008 | Population Dissemination of the data on Navarre | |
January 2008 | Immigration Data on the mobility of foreigners within Spain | |
January 2008 | Economic impact of the 32nd America's Cup (final report) | |
November 2007 | Immigration Presentation of the Immigration at a Glance note about the citizens of Bolivia | |
November 2007 | Income distribution Study on household expenditure and distribution of income at a national and regional level (1973-2003), with data from 2005 | |
November 2007 | Population Study on the main changes of the Spanish population in the XX century | |
October 2007 | Immigration Data on the nationalization of foreigners in Valencia Community and Spain (7th ed. of the Migration in Valencia Community database) | |
September 2007 | Immigration Data on marriage, births and deaths of foreigners in Valencia Community and Spain (7th ed. of the Migration in Valencia Community database) | |
August 2007 | Immigration Data on the real estate transactions carried out by the foreigners residing in Spain (7th ed of the Migration in Valencia Community database) | |
July 2007 | Immigration Location and origin of the foreign population registered in the Valencian region and Spain (7th of the Migration in Valencia Community database) | |
July 2007 | Human capital Study on the returns of human capital, with data on its use and profits at a national level, as well as in the autonomous communities and provinces | |
July 2007 | Capital stock Estimations of capital stock and the services it provides, covering the period 1964-2005, with regional detail and a preview of data from 2006 | |
July 2007 | Immigration Foreigners' access to social security in Valencia Community and Spain (7th ed of the Migration in Valencia Community database) | |
April 2007 | Human capital Presentation of the database with information from the Observatory of Labour Transition's four surveys | |
April 2007 | Economic impact of the Ciudad de la Luz Report on the economic impact of the construction and operating of the audiovisual complex in Alicante (Spain) | |
April 2007 | Immigration Study on immigrant population settling in rural areas: the region of Los Serranos, Valencia (Spain) | |
March 2007 | Productivity Presentation of the database for the analysis of productivity in Europe promoted by the EU KLEMS Consortium | |
March 2007 | Social capital Study on bank relationships and its effects on banking operations | |
January 2007 | Capital stock Estimation of capital stock and productive capital services according to the methodology agreed upon by the OECD in 2001, with territorial data by types of assets | |
December 2006 | Economic impact of the 32nd America's Cup Intermediate report on the economic impact of this sporting event | |
June 2006 | Population Study on the changes in the location of the Spanish population over the 20th century, on the basis of homogeneous statistics | |
June 2005 | Social capital Study on the measuring of social capital, which includes a methodological proposal applied to OECD countries, Spain and its autonomous regions | |
May 2005 | Capital stock Estimation of the capital stock in Spain according to the methodology agreed upon by the OECD in 2001, with the composition and characteristics of assets, 1964-2002 | |
April 2005 | Capital stock Estimation of the capital stock in Spain and its territorial distribution, 1964-2002 |